Title I Services
1 to 1 Tutoring provides a full range of educational assistance services and benefits to nonpublic school students and educators through The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015.
Management of Title is complex and complicated to administer without a full-time focus. 1 to 1 Tutoring works alongside the educators in our partner schools to administer these programs and support the school to provide children with a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality and well-rounded education.
1 to 1 Tutoring takes the guesswork out of establishing federally regulated educational programs and remaining in compliance. Shouldering the responsibilities related to securing and disbursing financial assistance and technology, 1 to 1 Tutoring is solely dedicated to the enhancement of education for all students and works endlessly to ensure equality and precision in its programming.
Some areas of Title I coverage include but are not limited to:
- School day instructional services designed to address individual learning needs in the areas of reading, math, and other highest areas of need
- Extended-day services in accordance with Title I regulations (before or after school summer or weekend programs)
- Family literacy programs
- Parent and family engagement programs to support instructional priorities
- Counseling programs or other social-emotional support programs (which may be used to supplement Title I educational services)
- Professional development for both contracted and non-public school teachers with Title I students in class, to support the Title IA instructional programming